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    2. AI Client Products


      LCFC EA-B100

      EA-B100 is equipped with NVIDIA Jetson Nano core module, which contains 128 CUDA cores. Small size, flexible installation, operating power consumption as low as within 10W. Applicable to all kinds of movable equipment, such as drones,  smart medical diagnostic terminal equipment, educational robots, etc. Its high-efficiency passive heat dissipation,  seismic and lightning protection and other industrial standard designs, enable EA-B100 to adapt harsh environments  such as wide temperature, esco

      • |  Equipped with NVIDIA JetsonTM Nano
      |  Low power consumption, high cost performance
      |  DC battery management module
      |  Small size,Flexible deployment
      |  High-efficiency direct-touch passive cooling design
      | -25℃~65℃ Operating temperature
      |  Protection grade IP50, Industrial grade lightning and anti-static
      |  Linux Ubuntu 18.04 with BSP
      |  NVIDIA open eco-system and rich SDK

      Technology Specifications



      Phone Number:186-5606-8804

      Company E-mail:LCFC.EC@lcfuturecenter.com


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